Monday, October 15, 2007

Save The Internet

Even though the Save The Internet movement is steeped in political issues, it appears that the Internet must be saved from government regulators and telecommunication giants. It is hard to imagine the impact of having the government control the content and political correctness of the Internet. Plus, telecommunication giants have a vested interest in being the servants of large corporate concerns wanting exclusive access to the Internet for marketing purposes. In addition, the government would like to control content in order to stifle dissent.

Some of the liberal organizations joining the Save The Internet fight make me feel uncomfortable. Politically, I am a registered Independent. I am a free thinker and take a moderate approach to many issues, because I try to understand both sides of an argument. Generally speaking, I do not trust the power vested in the Democratic and Republican parties. Regardless, saving the Internet is a fight that must be taken seriously, because bloggers need to be free to investigate and inform. The future of Citizen Journalism is a stake.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tim, this is pat from vox..I've made this website for the chargers may like the charger girls page! (click top left corner.
I've seen you post some cheerleaders on your other blog.

I;m a registered Repub..but been liking Independents even more!

Free speech is our right, Gov entities would have to rewrite the constitution..and WE the People will stand up!

Pat (aka..daniel)

Anonymous said...

oh yeah welcome to my site if you like...just click on my name in the comments section of my Chargers site.
My new site reflects more of me and what I like...but as usual Ikeep my vox blog and others confidential to my vox readers..I don't want any trolls going over here!
patrick daniel

Anonymous said...

Nice addition of the Sonific!
I like all kinds of music..even country! I used to play drums....though never in a band.
Take care and thanks for stopping by!