Sunday, October 14, 2007

Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality
By Timothy L. Stanley

Bloggers have a lot a stake in the new battle over Internet access. Bloggers assume that all web sites will be accessible. We expect to read whatever we want from whatever source we deem important. Today, Internet users and bloggers can go anywhere their interest and investigative mind takes them.

As this blog is written, the telecommunication giants and government regulators are trying to change this. They want to discriminate against anyone they deem inappropriate, politically incorrect, or snoops too much.

How will they do this? Restricting Internet access will be easy. They will do this tthrough Internet monitoring and pricing structures directed at keeping bloggers off the Internet. In addition, the telecommunication giants own the lines and transmission capacity. Federal regulators want to hand out Internet access to cronies, political hacks, and large multi-national firms paying huge fees to dominate the Internet. If multi-nations can knock bloggers off the internet, they will do it. This will give them unlimited marketing ability and a chance to shape public opinion to drive their products and ideas into every home in America.

Since the Main Steam Media is owned lock, stock, and barrel by large corporate concerns, bloggers will not be able to challenge CNN, ABC, CBS, or NBC. The Main Stream Media will be the only voice the public will see or hear. A Dan Rather type of reporting will become the norm. A Matt Drudge type of investigative reporting and citizen journalists/bloggers will be excluded from the public forum.

The aforementioned is an overview of what is coming. It is time for bloggers to organize, lobby, and support political parties to challenge telecommunication giants and federal regulators. Help maintain Net Neutrality.

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