Friday, November 2, 2007

Who will control Bloggers

It is obvious the blogophere is alive with chatter about Internet freedom. From an influence perspective, bloggers are making their voices heard. The Internet must remain free to idea generation. The following is from Center for Democracy and Technology.
An increasing array of issues is currently being debated under the heading of "net neutrality," and dialogue surrounding this concept is rapidly gaining strength. At the heart of the net neutrality debate is whether the Internet, the Web, and associated technologies will continue to thrive as an open platform for innovation and free expression and what policies, if any, are necessary to ensure that they will.


Anonymous said...

I will be watching the progress on the issue.
I love the Sonific player..pretty cool huh.

Timothy said...

Hi Patrick, thanks for visiting. Yes, I do like the sonific player. I still do not know how I got it on my blog. I tried and thought I failed. Then, it showed up. Good for me. Take care. Tim