Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Internet, Bloggers, and Democracy

As I write daily on my three blogs (Rosemead Star News, Rosemead Herald, California Reporter), I have a feeling of power. It seems odd that I would feel this way. Because, I really do not want to feel this way in my life. I am really a mild mannered guy in most other ways. However, blogs give me an opportunity to share my ideas and this empowers me.

The saying "Information is Power" has a lot of meaning to me. I think this is true more today than ever before. For this reason, Internet Freedom is essential. The following news about the importance of a free and open Internet reveals an alarming trend across the globe to take away free and open access to the Internet. We must stand tall against those who would limit our Internet freedoms.

As the old saying goes, “Information is power.” So it is no surprise that the free media is often the first to go when dictatorial regimes – or even ostensibly “democratic” governments – find themselves in power struggles with the people they govern.

Last month, we called on the U.S. and other democratic countries to speak out against Burma’s shutting down of the Internet and other media in an attempt to quell the pro-democracy protests led by the country’s Buddhist monks.

Now this week – in a shocking dictatorial double-play – both Pakistan and Georgia declared emergency rule (effectively, martial law), suspending their constitutions and clamping down on independent media.

A free and independent media is the cornerstone of a free society. To Westerners, this truism is often taken for granted. But savvy rulers are all too conscious of it. It was Joseph Stalin who said, “Ideas are more dangerous than guns.” What better way to control ideas than to control the media? As with Burma, democratic nations around the world must decry, in words and deeds, emergency rule and the suppression of independent media – such actions have no place in a free society.

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